Online Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)

What is OCD?
Online Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)

In Australia, more than a million people suffer from the treatable anxiety disorder known as obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD. Generally manifesting in late childhood or early teenage years, it can become a chronic illness if neglected. As its name suggests, OCD presents with two different sets of symptoms:

• Unusual Thoughts: unwanted ideas, feelings, or cravings that persistently bother one's consciousness.
• Obsessive Behaviors: Difficult-to-avoid rituals or repetitive actions performed to reduce anxiety.

Compulsions cause revulsion or fear but can offer a brief sense of relief by relieving guilt or anxiety associated with unpleasant ideas. Compulsions can take up hours of a person's everyday life, and the intensity of obsessive thinking can be debilitating.

People who suffer from OCD often keep their illness a secret from other people. Fortunately, some therapies work, so it's best to get help if you or someone you care about has problems.

How does OCD arise?

The exact cause of OCD is still unknown, and its origins are still mysterious. Additional research in this area is required, even if there are signs that OCD may run in families.

What causes OCD in specific individuals?

Determining the exact cause of OCD in certain persons is a challenging task that lacks a clear solution. Many mental diseases, including OCD, are believed to result from a confluence of environmental and genetic factors. Regarding the genesis of OCD, there are many theories:

• Genetic Elements: An increased risk of developing OCD may result from having a first-degree relative with the disorder. Some genes may play a role in an OCD tendency.
• Environmental Factors: According to some research, OCD tendencies may arise after a traumatic event, like getting a severe sickness via infection. People, especially those whose parents suffer from the illness, can also pick up OCD rituals.
• Biological Elements: Studies of brain structure, function, or composition anomalies are ongoing. This evidence links these to fluctuations in serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that helps send information throughout the brain.

OCD Symptoms and Signs

The signs and symptoms can vary from person to person. Typical symptoms include:

- Recurrent, Bothersome Thoughts: Unwanted ideas or pictures persistently cross one's mind.
- Overdoing The Cleaning: Cleaning hands repeatedly and obsessive washing of clothing, home furnishings, or personal effects.
- An obsession with order: Putting items in a particular order.
- Repetitive Actions: repetition like counting, tapping, praying, or repeating words.
- Examining Obsessions: Regularly check water taps, appliances, and door locks.
- Repeated Behaviors: having the urge to repeat actions to assure accuracy.
- Looking for Confidence: asking for affirmation from others all the time.
- Strict Customs and Practices: establishing and following daily schedules and customs.
- Recognizing Illogical Thoughts: realizing that one's thoughts are unreasonable but being powerless to stop thinking nonstop.
- Invading Thoughts of Sexuality: unwanted and upsetting ideas or pictures of sex.

What is the Treatment for OCD?

Effective mental health treatment is essential for managing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). A comprehensive approach can effectively treat OCD if individuals receive appropriate and timely assistance.

How Tele Thoughts Assists with OCD

We can assist with OCD diagnosis. This may include taking history and completing screening tools such as YBOCS.
- We excel in recognizing and addressing frequently linked coexisting mood disorders or anxiety associated with OCD and provide assistance to treat those associated conditions along with OCD.
- To treat OCD, usually both Talk Therapy and medications are used.

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