Online Treatment for Bipolar Affective Disorder

Bipolar Affective Disorder

What Is BPAD?
Online Treatment for Bipolar Affective Disorder

- Anyone can experience mood swings, but those who have bipolar disorder suffer from extreme highs and lows in their mood. These fluctuations in mood have the potential to cause anxiety, interfere with day-to-day activities, and can even lead to risk taking and dangerous behaviour.
- People may experience poor sleep, and can have higher energy levels than normal during manic episodes.
- Bipolar disorder, sometimes known as "manic depression," is a chronic illness.

Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

i. Evaluation of behaviour and symptoms is necessary for the diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
ii. Usually identified by a psychiatrist, however some general practitioners and clinical psychologists with experience in this area may also be able to identify early warning signs.
iii. A comprehensive history taking, speaking to family and friends to gain collateral information may be necessary to comprehend the patient's behaviour and symptoms including completing screening tools is necessary for making a correct diagnosis.
iv. Diagnosis may take time to make.
v. Blood Tests and physical examination may also be required to rule out other medical problems causing the same symptoms.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

The two primary forms of bipolar disorder are bipolar I and bipolar II.

a. Mania episodes are frequent in people with bipolar I disorder, and depressive episodes frequently follow them.
b. In contrast, hypomanic and depressive episodes are hallmarks of bipolar II disorder.

Bipolar Disorder Causes

Bipolar disorder has a complex aetiology with no single causative factor. Instead, it results from a variety of variables that are unique to each person. Bipolar disorder impairs regular brain activity, which causes symptoms of mental illness to appear.

- Genetic tendency: Specific genes influence susceptibility.
- Stress in early life: Childhood or adolescent illnesses or traumatic experiences can increase the risk.
- Abuse of substances: Drug usage has the potential to worsen or precipitate the onset of bipolar disorder symptoms.

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

- Either hypomania or mania
- Depression
- Periods of depression that follow hypomania or mania.
- Mixed moods, exhibiting concurrent signs of mania and sadness

Between episodes of extreme mood swings, people with bipolar disorder may have periods of normalcy. Compared to mania or hypomania, depression is typically more common. Although each person's pattern of bipolar disorder is unique, it is common for episodes of symptoms to occur every few years, lasting several months.

How To Overcome From Bipolar Disorder

1. Understanding one's symptoms and creating applicable coping mechanisms are essential to bipolar disorder recovery.
2. With proper care, mental health professionals can effectively treat symptoms of bipolar disorder, even though there is no known cure.
3. People with bipolar disorder can pursue successful occupations and enjoy satisfying lives if they receive the proper care.

Bipolar Disorder Treatments Options

Depending on each patient's unique symptoms, treatment options for bipolar illness may include:

- Drugs for depression, hypomania, and manic episodes.
- Drugs meant to keep symptoms from coming back.
- Psychotherapy can help support and address underlying concerns.

How can Tele Thoughts help bipolar disorder?

i. Our psychiatrist will complete a comprehensive assessment with you
ii. Including detailed history taking
iii. Completing screening tools such as Mania rating Scale
iv. Prescribe Medication
v. Make recommendations to your GP to refer you to a clinical psychologist